Valentine Pictures

Valentine Pictures, NASA Stardust-NExT will make a close flyby of Comet Tempel 1, the compression within only 124 miles (200 kilometers) of wandering ice.

The mission will be the second time a spacecraft has visited two different comets (Stardust’s original mission was to the comet Wild 2) during its life. It is also the first time two different satellites have visited the comet even after years of spaceflight.
NASA mission Deep Impact sent a spacecraft rendezvous with the comet Tempel 1 in 2005

intentionally slam a probe into the subject of ice to look inside the comet. The Deep Impact spacecraft was then recycled to visit another comet – Hartley 2 – in 2010.

Valentine’s Day is a perfect day to give your special someone a little something to show you care. Here are some fun ideas and easy-to-house gift for your date on Valentine’s Day.
Take a paper Dixie cup and cover with colored paper. Decorate with hearts or cut a heart into the cup and cover with saran wrap. Fill it with your lover’s favorite candy. Place double-sided tape inside the top of the ribbon cutting and tissue paper inside. Tie a knot around the tissue paper for a finishing touch.
F you want your girlfriend flowers and candy, combine into one. Take two vases, smaller and larger. Fill the smallest with water and place it inside the larger vase. In the space between the two vases, fill with candy and place the flowers in water.

Instead of buying candy conversation hearts, make cookies. Buy a role of sugar cookie dough in the store and knives heart-shaped cookie. Bake cookies and ice them. Set aside some of the frosting and color with food coloring. Place in a plastic bag and cut a small hole in the corner. Use it to write your own words on each cookie.
Gathering images taken by you since you are together and put them in a book. These can be easily uploaded to Costco or Wal-Mart Photo Center Picture and about 25. You can organize your pictures how you want it is totally customized. If you want to do it entirely by hand, take a book in a vintage thrift store and glue your photos and decorations.
Anybody can run out and rent a romantic comedy with Julia Roberts for Valentine’s Day. But if it makes you want to gag, take in one of five films the most inappropriate for Valentine’s Day:

“Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (1966): Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor chews the scenery and tear each other apart like a drunken husband and wife and quarrels. They began slyly needling each other in front of their poor, unsuspecting customers and then humiliating each other, and by the end, they threatened all-out war. That they were married to each other in real life only adds to the intrigue. Nominated for 13 Oscars, he won five, including best actress for the blistering performance of Taylor.

“Closer” (2004): Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Clive Owen and Julia Roberts fall in love with each other, but do not be fooled: This is the last thing possible from a date movie. They excessively vein extremely ugly things to one another – Portman playing a stripper in her first adult role truly guilty of some of his offenses in just over a G-string.

“Blue Velvet” (1986): Nothing is ever what it seems in a David Lynch film. Thus, a severed ear found lying in a field is so much more than just an ear cut off – is the key to a disturbing underworld of twisted romance. Beneath a veneer of suburban distinguished, Kyle MacLachlan is drawn into the bizarre life of Dennis Hopper as the nitrous oxide-addicted criminal, and Isabella Rossellini as his S-EX- slave masochist.

“Natural Born Killers” (1994): Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis fell in love and kill people, and fall deeper in love and kill more people, and become media darlings in the process. Oliver Stone is not exactly subtle in its exploration of the famous satirical underserved and all its trappings.

“Fatal Attraction” (1987): This film was nominated for six Oscars, including best film and best actress Glenn Close indelible performance as a scorned, vengeful mistress. If she taught us something, that it is easier to stick to your husband or your wife to indulge in an appointment afternoon. So maybe a good movie to see with one you like, after all.

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