Taylor Corley Playboy Appearance: Mississippi State Cheerleader Poses Nude (PHOTO/VIDEO)

Taylor Corley, a Mississippi State freshman cheerleader, recently posed nude in Playboy magazine. SportsByBrooks reported on Monday that she appeared in the magazine under the name Taylor Stone and that the photos first surfaced in November.

Dr. Bill Kibler, Vice President of Student Affairs at Mississippi State, released a statement addressing Corley on Wednesday:

If she had identified herself as an MSU Cheerleader or used any of our marks, then the university might have pursued action. However, she was not identified as an MSU student or a cheerleader. The university did not pursue any action when this came to our attention last fall.

According to SportsByBrooks, Corley posed for the magazine before she was enrolled at Mississippi State and she will not be removed from the cheerleading team.

Scroll down to watch a video of Corley performing at a women's basketball game against Mississippi Valley State on Dec. 20, 2010.

Source :http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/19/taylor-corley-playboy_n_810148.html