Stefaan Engels, Marathon Man, Ran 365 Of Them In As Many Days

One thing I’d love to have in my life is a little more balance right now. Stefaan Engels? Not as much.

Because this guy is pretty much wired for one thing and one thing only — running. That’s probably why he’s earned the nickname “Marathon Man.” Oh, that and the fact that he’s run an actual marathon each and every single day for the past year. If you’re keeping score at home, that’s 365 marathons since last February 6.

What have you been up to?

I’ve run a few marathons. I’ve also been a part of a team which competed in three different Hood to Coast races in the 90s. “H2C” (as it’s commonly known) is a 200-mile relay which starts at the top of Mount Hood and ends in a little town called Seaside, Oregon. Twelve people each run three different legs of the race for their team. Even if your team is a super-fast one, it’s still a 24-hour affair.

I used to love stuff doing like that until something happened. Life got in the way. I was no longer able to dedicate so much time to, well, myself. Especially when my kids started popping up.

Lately, I’ve made a concerted effort to step up my running. And I’ve done pretty well. But it’s hard for me to give up more than 45 minutes a day to running. Between work and the kids, it’s about all the time I have — assuming I want to spend any amount of time with my wife. (Which I do, honey.)

That’s not to say that Engels wouldn’t be able to balance his running with kids and a wife. I don’t know much about the man other than that he finished his 365th marathon in as many days by completing the Carretera de les aigues race in Barcelona earlier today. So for all I know the guy’s got like 7 kids and he’s the best dad ever.

But it’s more likely that Engels doesn’t have a bunch of rug rats with which to contend. Wouldn’t you agree?

Regardless, can you imagine? It turns out that Engels suffered from asthma as a child. In fact, he was even told that he’d never be able to exercise. Boy did he prove them wrong. Which means there’s something else I know about Engels. He’s not one to underestimate.

You know another thing I think I may have just figured out about him? He’s a football fan. Seriously.

No race for him tomorrow for the first time in over a year, just in time to watch the Super Bowl?


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