Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg: The Irony of Their Facebook Stalker

Have you had the experience yet of being found by someone on facebook who maybe gets a little too involved in your life? They comment on or like every single thing you post on Facebook. If you are lucky, you can block them and be done with them.

But, if you are Mark Zuckerberg and you get a facebook stalker, it gets taken to a new level. Even his girlfriend, Priscilla Chan, is affected.

Zuckerberg is saying that Pradeep Manukonda has been leaving him threatening messages, including threatening the safety of Zuckerberg’s girlfriend, Priscilla Chan, and sister, Randi.

Manukonda wants money, claiming his family is struggling. Why he feels that Zuckerberg owes it to him is anyone’s guess. But, a judge has ordered him to stay at least 300 yards from the Zuckerbergs and Chan.

That the crazy thing about facebook: it can make people feel like they are close friends, when really, they hardly know each other.

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