Rockholds woman to protest circus
The Times-Tribune
Wed Jan 12, 2011,
By Michele Baker / Staff Writer
An area woman will protest against the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus when it comes to The Arena Jan. 27-30.
Cynthia Reynolds, 48, of Rockholds, wants to rally against the Ringling Bros.’ alleged abuse of elephants. She said she learned of how animals were treated cruelly at the circus from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal’s website. Reynolds has an event permit for the protest, which Corbin Police Chief David Campbell has confirmed.
Reynolds said she felt called to do something about animal abuse. “It’s about more than just the circus, it’s also about the starving dogs and the neglected horses. It just really bothers me and I felt I should step up.” Reynolds contacted PETA and they gave her pointers on how to hold a demonstration.
PETA spokesperson Megan Grigorian said this demonstration would not be officially sanctioned by PETA. “People contact us constantly with helping to organize protests against the Ringling Bros.”
Grigorian said there are demonstrations in every city the circus goes to. She said, “It’s because Ringling’s record of animal abuse has people saying enough is enough, especially after learning that animals are constantly being beaten with whips and metal tipped bullhooks behind the scenes.” Grigorian added, “More and more people are refusing to go to the circus.”
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey spokesperson Sarah Gmyr refuted allegations of animal abuse by the circus. She said, “In regards to animal care, all animals receive the highest care. Audience members can see this when they come to the show. The elephants are lively, vital and full of energy.”
Reynolds said she will protest at each session of the Ringling Bros. Circus and she asks the public not to buy tickets to the performances. The demonstration will be held at the intersection of Cumberland Falls Highway and Corbin Center Drive.
Connie Hunt, director of The Arena, did not return calls seeking comment.
(Reader Comments)
Ray wrote: Cynthia......your heart is in the right place but never listen to what PETA has to say. The organization is fraught with untruths and out and out lies about the treatment of animals. They have a hidden agenda and it's not about the safety of animals at all. Most Peta members are mentally unstable and really need to be locked up. You need to do a little research and find out the truth about this 'organization'. Animals should never be mistreated in any manner but you are letting a bunch of nuts guide your way.