Bright Bold and Beautiful: Bon Bon Rose Girls

Megan of Bon Bon Rose Girls is the next host in my BB&B guest post series,
"What is bright, bold, and beautiful to you?" Thank you Megan!
Like Laura, who we all know and adore, I’m all about living a fun and vibrant lifestyle. One way I achieve this is by filling my life with friends and events that I entertain for. Having a full house of guests over for dinner and parties is when I’m truly at my happiest, and over the past few years I’ve developed some tricks to get the party started and keep it that way. After all no one likes a dull dinner party!

1) Before guests arrive put the appetizers and munchies in the room you want people to congregate in. It never fails that people always want to hang in the kitchen. However, for the head chef (that’s me!) it can be a stressful to have too many people staring me down while I chop! Instead put out a little bowl of nuts (I’m personally obsessed with these honey roasted almonds), crackers and cheese (two thumbs up on Manchengo cheese, it’s a total crowd pleaser) and some drinks on the coffee table. People will naturally wander to where the food is and start talking. Fingers crossed, this should leave you with less of a crowd watching while you put the final touches on dinner. Dessert

2) If you’re preparing a more complicated main course why not do a dessert that is simple and can be made the day or morning before? This will mean less chaos for you, especially after a few glasses of vino. Also, its makes the whole evening more approachable and fun for guests. We all know what a whiz you are in the kitchen, so serving something like brownie sundaes or an apple pie lets everyone kick back and relax after a great meal. This ridiculously easy ice cream crispie cake is a summer hit and takes 10 minutes. Given its simplicity it makes me laugh as people devour it, but hey, whatever works!


3) Set your table the night before. If you’re having a seated dinner party you simply must trust me on this. I’ve failed on several occasions big time in this department. The morning of a party I’m always out running last minute errands (Whole Foods, liquor store, etc.) and then it’s off to the kitchen, so that the table is often the last thing to get my attention. By setting the table the night before, you guarantee that you won’t be handing out forks at the last minute.

Of course the last tip comes straight from good ol’ Bridget Jones and her blue soup. Have a great attitude! Pile the dishes to the side, grab a glass of vino and relax. After all they are friends for a reason, if the chicken is scorched and you have to order a pizza, laugh about it and no one will care. They are here to see you and have a fun evening, not judge you on your coco au vin!